Saturday, November 10, 2007

Our Boston Bathing Beauty

Ahh, bath time. Those few glorious moments of utter bliss, soaking in a hot bath. A bit of scented bubble-bath, a candle or two for ambient lighting, the sound of birds singing in the background.

Oops, we're talking about Bostons here, so the preceding description, at least for some, could not be farther from the truth. When it comes to bath time, some Bostons hate it and fight it tooth and nail. A battle royale, so to speak. Others revel in it, playing games with the jets of water from the hand-held shower. And I suppose the rest merely tolerate it, looking pathetically woe-begone, as they stand there in full undignified exposure, no doubt planning revenge in the form of a chewed slipper or a little wet spot on the carpet or a "gift" left behind the sofa.

With Tai, it's really hard to tell how he feels about it all. He certainly doesn't hate it. He stands there, seemingly unfazed by all the soaping and rinsing and towel-drying of his mentionable and unmentionable parts. Right from Day One, he has never fought bath time. Always the trooper.

Oddly, though, Tai likes to lick the soap. I don't mean the bar of soap, I mean the soap suds on our hands or feet. Ewww! Yuck! But, then, this is a dog that likes to lick bird poop... and we all know how disgusting that tastes! (oops, just pretend I didn't mentioned that)

The end of bath time usually triggers a mad dash around the apartment. Sometimes he won't even wait to be dried. Dripping wet--and despite our cries of "Stay! Stay!"--he'll take off on a tear from one end to the other, searching for a toy or a playmate. I guess to him bath time is just play of a different kind.

(Sorry, no pics for this posting. Tai would not release any pics of himself in such an unflattering situation.) ;-)

1 comment:

Debbie said...

excellent topic! it bath day here for belle and bridget!