Saturday, May 24, 2008

Boston-T Cafe has a new home

We haven't posted in a while because we've been busy moving house 'n home... and restaurant... to bigger and better premises. We outgrew the old location and found what we think is the perfect spot. Tai wasn't much help with the big heavy boxes, but he was a prince in consoling our aches and pains at the end of the day.

Here are a few pics of the new home of Boston-T Cafe. As I said, it's bigger and better... and the customers love it!

This is the entrance. If you look closely, you can see our street sign... complete with Tai's pic. And we're having another one made. It's in the works as we speak.

Click photos to see full-size images.

The garden.

Inside the restaurant. And look, there's Tai on his way outside to greet customers.

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