Friday, January 11, 2008

Winter in the tropics...

Yes, it's winter here in Southeast Asia, and the thermometer seems to be doing its rollercoaster thing. Racing up to the low 30s C (85F) during the day, and sliding down to the upper teens C (60F) at night. Very comfortable, if I do say so myself (which of course I just did). Sure beats the snow and cold back home in Canada.

Lately, though, Mother Nature has been toying with us. Nighttime temps had slipped down to 12C (54F) for a while. Brrrr! And at the moment, daytime is near 38C (100F). Poor Tai doesn't know whether to wear his Santa jacket (complete with brown leather belt and fake fur trim) or his boston bikini (I'm not even gonna try to explain that one!).

I guess we should enjoy the cool while we have it. Won't be long before tropical summer returns to these parts, with days near 40C (104F) and nights not much cooler.

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